Posted by Keith Wiley, Intern
On December 6th, the World Trade Center Harrisburg Team hosted the 17th annual Holiday Luncheon and Reception. This year we had a particularly interesting luncheon program focused on the Dominican Republic. WTC member Irma Olivo, Sales Manager for Latin America at Integra Life Sciences was our presenter.

Check out our photos from the luncheon on Facebook! For more information on traveling and doing business in the Dominican Republic feel free to take a look at the cultural report for the Dominican Republic. These reports are prepared periodically for WTC members traveling to specific countries.
Below is a brief overview
and some fast facts about the Dominican Republic:
Capital City: Santo
Official Language: Spanish
Currency: Dominican
Land Area: 48,442
Population: 10,219,630
Climate: Tropical
Religions: Catholic 95%, Other 5%
Irma began her presentation with an
overview of the various Holidays celebrated in the Dominican Republic and
shared cultural as well as culinary highlights that
one can experience while visiting the country. A list of these Holidays
are as follows:
January 1st- New Year’s
Day/Año Nuevo
January 6th- Day of the
Epiphany/ Three Kings Day
January 21st- The Virgin of
January 26th- Duarte’s
February 27th- Dominican
March 29th- Good Friday
April 29th- Dominican Labor
May 30th – Corpus
August 16th- Dominican
Restoration Day
September 24th- The Virgin
of Mercedes
November 4th- Constitution
December 25th- Christmas
Day/ Navidad
It is important to understand cultural differences when visiting a
foreign country and especially while conducting business. For example, for
Navidad, or Christmas, businesses in the Dominican Republic are
mostly closed from December 20th- January 7th (with
limited work hours if not closed). It is customary to receive and
give cards and small gifts (Nothing Personal) such as Gift baskets, Rum,
Whiskey and Eggnog (Ponche).
Fast forwarding to Independence Day, which is celebrated on
February 27th, Irma explained that this is arguably the best time to
visit and experience the Dominican Republic. Each region has their own carnival
while many businesses sponsor dance teams/ floats and operate on limited hours
and days.
A final note on Religious Holidays is that during Semana Santa (Holy
Week) most businesses are closed while families pack up and go to the beach for
the week. During this week do not expect to have many meat dishes because it is
customary to not consume meat during Holy Week.
Beyond these Holidays the presentation touched on other important
cultural realms, perhaps one of the most important, Dominican cuisine! There
are many different options to choose from when concerning food in the Dominican
Republic, the various mixtures and blends of recipes stretch across the Globe
and can exemplify the deepened history this area has experienced. Just a brief
list includes Puerco Asado (roasted pork), Arros/ Morros (rice & beans), Pavo
(turkey seasoned with sour oranges), Ensalada Rusia (potato salad with beets),
Telera (holiday bread), and Flan (pictured right).
As always, we give many thanks to our sponsors UPS, FultonBank, MANTEC and
all other supporters who helped to make this event possible. The World Trade
Center Harrisburg Team wishes you happy holidays!